Testing again…

New test post…

Thoughts on the Fediverse: dariusdunlap.com/2023/08/t…

This is an introductory post, not intended to address many technical, strategy, and policy issues. I’ll dive into those details soon.

There are times when it’s important to speak with precision. But more often, it’s important to speak with care

While in Ireland the last couple weeks, we visited some places of my families roots. Eyeries is the town my grand-mother’s great-grandmother, Johanna Harrington Welsh, left to come to America, traveling alone to join her husband in Virginia City, NV in 1865.

Short video, giving scale in The Narrows. That’s Joell along the wall on the left.

A long-time Square Peg Foundation donor has gifted us a very nice camper trailer.

Bad News: It’s in Colorado.

Good News: Road Trip!

Enjoying Manton's Book!

This emphasis on time is even more obvious for microblogs. Microblogs are blogs with very short posts. Because short posts are easy to write, there are usually more of them.

What is microblogging? · Indie Microblogging

Lemongrass and Pandan Leaf Tea…

The Customer-Focused Strategy of Chip Conley

I’ve been in customer-focused roles my whole professional life, and this is one of the best summaries of strategy I’ve ever heard or seen:

If you’re good, and if you really understand your customer, it goes beyond the expectations, beyond the desires, beyond focus groups — it’s the thing you know that they want next, that they don’t even know they want. - Chip Conley on The Tim Ferris Show. overcast.fm/+KebsQmB1…

I got my wife a little something for her birthday…

“If you’ve ever gone through the normal cycle, you realize that if you can iterate that fast, that you’re just going to pursue more ideas, you’re going to try more things, you’re going to end up with a better result, You’re going to be more creative…”

  • Craig Ferederighi, on The Talk Show

Micro.blog meetup!

Meetup now! Yay!

An amazing episode of one of my favorite podcasts… here’s a little clip

Some stuff at Maker Faire is so ridiculous it’s awesome.


Pokit is a multimeter and oscilloscope with data logging, for $79. Amazing resolution and accuracy! Pokitmetr


Navajo Technical University Makers, talking about the transition of the Navajo Nation from the major coal producer in the US to all renewable energy. (Solar Microgrid)

Surprising and wonderful stuff you find! Electroforming - takes about eight hours to do a leaf.

Mono price has a nice selection of capable and inexpensive 3D printers

Excellent morning read…

The Internet may work better when it’s spread out, as originally designed.

Can “Indie” Social Media Save Us? - The New Yorker

First stop: Patio Coffee Shop, 25th Ave. in San Mateo. Excellent pancakes! patiocoffeeshop.org

Heading to Maker Faire Bay Area today. Anyone else?

All this… Warren on why she won’t do a Town Hall event on Fox News: twitter.com